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How To Check eRX Status


Whenever a Prescription is Generated and electronically transmitted from the EHR, a detailed record is retained. You can utilize this information to verify order status, pharmacy, and audit for inconsistencies. Once an order is generated, it can only be viewed and never changed or deleted.

While Within the Nextgen EHR…

  1. Click the View tab on the toolbar to reveal a new drop down
  2. In the Drop down, Click the eRx Status Button
    1. A new window will appear called eRx Status


Within the eRx Status Window…

  1. Adjust the Filters appropriately to locate your eRx
    a. Use , , and to view all Orders Generated
    b. You can also specify a date range to further filter results
  2. All eRx orders that match the selected filters will display in the list below
    a. In this window you can view the status, time sent, sender/receiver information, and any errors that occurred during transmission


To View eRx Details…
Within the eRx Status Window…

  1. Locate and Select the eRx order you wish to view detailed information on
  2. Click the “Details” button to open the eRx Order Details


Within the eRx Details Window…

  1. You can navigate between the tabs to review the order information
    a. Patient – Patient Demographics
    b. Medication – Prescribed Drug, Refills, Quantity, and dates
    c. Pharmacy – Receiving Pharmacy information
    d. Provider – Provider the order was generated under and user who generated order
    e. MISC – Trouble Shooting Info for Admins & Benefits Coordination info

Information May Only Be Viewed. It Cannot Be altered in any way.

eRX Status Definitions…
There are 7 different statuses that can be seen in the Dispense History for an eRx and the progress of the statuses are as follows:

  • PENDING : The eRx has been successfully processed by NextGen and is now queued for processing by your NextGen Communication Services Server.
  • SENT : The eRx has been processed by NextGen Communication Services and has been forwarded to the Pharmacy Aggregate via SureScripts. (The Pharmacy Aggregate is the main hub for a given Pharmacy’s network.)
  • VERIFIED : The eRx has been successfully received by the Pharmacy Aggregate and has been forwarded to the intended Pharmacy via the Pharmacy Aggregate.
  • SENT-VERIFIED : The eRx has been successfully received by the Pharmacy and the Pharmacy has sent a message back to your NextGen Communication Services Server indicating that the eRx has been received
  • SENT-PENDING VERIFICATION: The eRX has been successfully received by the pharmacy vendor, and is currently awaiting confirmation that it has been forwarded to the intended pharmacy
  • SENT-VERIFIED TIMEOUT : The eRx has been received by the Pharmacy vendor, but was not received by the Pharmacy recipient within a timely manner. You should contact the Pharmacy to verify if the script was in fact received and processed. Otherwise, the prescription can be resent via eRx, fax or print.
  • SENT-ERROR: The eRx has been processed by the NextGen Communication Services, but an error prevented the transaction from being forwarded on to SureScripts or the Pharmacy Aggregate.
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